Universal Background Screening
Compliant and Integrated Background Screening Solutions
Founded in 1972, Universal Background Screening is one of the nation’s premier background screening companies providing criminal history, credit, driving records, drug screening, OccuHealth, and verification services for organizations nationwide. Universal is one of only a few accredited firms with the National Association (PBSA) and has been recognized as a top screening firm for Client Satisfaction by HRO Today magazine as well as Workforce Magazine’s Hot List. Universal prides itself on its dedicated customer service, industry-leading turnaround time, technology solutions, and accurate information reporting.
Fully Integrated Service with JazzHR
Universal provides a full service integrated/seamless solution with JazzHR, which makes an excellent experience for both the requestor and candidate. Universal is one of the top nationwide firms, known for its compliance expertise and fast turnaround time while following all state and federal requirements to reduce your hiring risk.
Reduce your hiring risk with Universal Background Screening
Universal Background Screening is one of the nation’s top background screening companies providing criminal history, drug screening, OccuHealth, and verification services for organizations nationwide. Universal is one of only a few accredited firms with the National Association (PBSA) and has been recognized as a top screening firm for Client Satisfaction by HRO Today magazine for the past 11 years. Universal prides itself on its dedicated customer service, industry-leading turnaround time, integrated/technology solutions, and accurate information reporting.