Atlantic Employee Screening
Criminal Background Checks
From national and Federal to county-specific or 7 year county all-inclusive, our multitude of background checks available are designed to help you find the best candidates with ease in mind, with many reports returned same-day.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
We offer drug and alcohol testing to help your company stay compliant, including M.R.O. reviewed, electronic chain of custody 5-panel and 10-panel testing, in addition to instant, on site result options available.
Investigative Services
Full suite of services that include credit report, MVR/DMR reports and monitoring, Form I9, social media, Social Security verification and 7 year address search, and offer employment and education verifications as well as professional and personal references.
International Background Screening
As part of our ongoing commitment to provide solutions for all of your background check needs, we offer country-distinct background checks from Spain to China and beyond.